Makoto Kawamoto (川本真琴 ), born Kazuyo Kawamoto (川本和代) on January 19, 1974 in Japan Fukui-shi, Fukui, is a Japanese singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist. She currently sings under the pseudonym Tiger Fake Fur.
Biography[edit]Early life
Kawamoto grew up hearing her mother playing the piano. Aside from learning piano, she also studied ballet for about 2 years and joined the boy's and girl's chorus and took flute lessons.
Her life was changed upon seeing a rock festival held in the nearby Prefectural Hall in her high school days.
Kawamoto entered the Jin-ai Women's College music department, piano department and formed a band.
After graduating from college, Kawamoto found a job at a company and became a piano teacher. However, since she only received a salary of 40,000 yen, she got fed up with her job and quit. Still, she continued to teach piano in her parents' house. She earned her livelihood working at a wedding hall, during which time she continued to try forming a band.
Kawamoto participated in "AIDS against FUKUI" held in Fukui as a band. She wrote the song and made all the members in the hall sing on the pretext of being elected to the executive committee. Because of that, she was invited to Sony’s "Showcase" where amateurs perform live in audition style. Since she was pleased with Tokyo, she saved 1 million yen within half a year, and went to Tokyo at the age of 21. She had a feeling that they liked her performance, but her position was still ambiguous for a while. She worked hard at composition while working part-time in a strange city. Although poor, she lived happily.
Major label daysBecause Kawamoto often went to the head office of Sony Music Entertainment Japan, she got to know the staff of the management office, and she signed a contract with them at the age of 22.
It was decided that Kawamoto would release a CD from the second production department of Sony. She practiced acoustic guitar hard to reproduce the sound of the demo tape of her debut single "Ai no Sainō" which Yasuyuki Okamura produced. She was given the stage name of "Makoto Kawamoto" and made her debut as a singer. She lost weight as the result of pressure from appearing on TV programs or radio programs, and from pressure of composing music.
Kawamoto released her 2nd single "DNA", for which she wrote words and music herself, and her 3rd single "1/2" which were tied to popular anime Rurouni Kenshin, and her first album Kawamoto Makoto. However, she encountered problems when she found it difficult to write songs after that, and she occasionally confined herself in a hotel. She did not agree with the record label's plan for her activities, due to pressure, she got out of shape and went home temporarily. Although she thought she might retire as a musician, she was retained by Sony for two more years, and she returned to Tokyo. However, she came to devote herself to live performances without releasing a new song after she released the single "Blossom" in 2001. She came to find pleasure in her work and began to think that she might continue it for a while. However, after talking it over, she decided not to renew the contract with Sony. In October 2002, she left. In April 2003, her contract with Antinos Records expired and she became a freelancer.
[edit]Independent music
In 2005, Kawamoto sang the commercial song of Kanebo "ALLIE", which was Maria Anzai's cover song "Namida no Taiyō (涙の太陽)." However, it is not released at present.
In 2005, Kawamoto formed "MihoMihoMakoto" with Miho Asahi and Miho Moribayashi, and they performed in the concerts.
On January 25, 2006, Kawamoto announced that she finished music activity with "Makoto Kawamoto" name in her homepage.
On April 24, 2006, Kawamoto announced that she changed her name to "Tiger Fake Fur" with her blog. When she appeared on the live by request of her acquaintance before, it was difficult for her to use the name of "Makoto Kawamoto." Under such a circumstance, she could not but use the alias. She introduced herself as "Tiger Carpet" at first, but she said that she felt sorry for a dead tiger, and renamed it to "Tiger Fake Fur."
On July 5, 2006, Kawamoto released a CD as time-limited group of 3 chorus unit "MihoMihoMakoto" after an interval of five years, and she resumed musical activities completely.
On August 9, 2006, Kawamoto released new 1st single "Yagi-ō no Theme" in the "Tiger Fake Fur" name from HMJM(hamajim) Records.
Recently Kawamoto gives a concert in Tokyo and her hometown, Fukui wherever her feet led her, and she enjoys it.
In 2009, Kawamoto sang "Hontou no Hanashi" in documentary film "An'nyon Yumika".
It is announced that Kawamoto will release her 3rd solo album "Ongaku no Sekai e Youkoso (音楽の世界へようこそ)" which she produces for herself on February 19, 2010.
DiscographySingles-Ai no Sainō
Ai no Sainou (愛の才能 Sense of Love?)1st single released on May
2, 1996. The English title is "sense of love."
Ai no Sainō (lyrics: Makoto Kawamoto, music: Yasuyuki Okamura)
Sōtai (lyrics and music: Makoto Kawamoto, arrangement: Tetsuo Ishikawa)
Ai no Sainō (Backing Track)
DNA is Makoto Kawamoto's 2nd single released on September 2, 1996.
DNA (lyrics and music: Makoto Kawamoto, arrangement: Tetsuo Ishikawa)
LOVE&LUNA (lyrics and music: Makoto Kawamoto, arrangement: Tetsuo Ishikawa)
DNA (Backing Track)
1/2 (Nibun No Ichi) is Makoto Kawamoto's 3rd single released on March 21, 1997.
1/2 (lyrics and music: Makoto Kawamoto, arrangement: Tetsuo Ishikawa)
1 (lyrics and music: Makoto Kawamoto, arrangement: Tetsuo Ishikawa)
1/2 (karaoke)
Sakura (桜 A cherry blossom?) is Makoto Kawamoto's 4th single released on April 1,
Sakura (lyrics and music: Makoto Kawamoto, arrangement: Tetsuo Ishikawa)
Doughnut no Ring (lyrics and music: Makoto Kawamoto, arrangement: Tetsuo Ishikawa)
Sakura (original karaoke)
-Pika Pika
Pikapika (ピカピカ glitter?) is Makoto Kawamoto's 5th single released on April 1,
Pika Pika (lyrics and music: Makoto Kawamoto, arrangement: Tetsuo Ishikawa)
Heart (lyrics and music: Makoto Kawamoto, arrangement: Tetsuo Ishikawa)
Pika Pika (Backing Track)
Binetsu (微熱 A slight fever?) is Makoto Kawamoto's 6th single released on January
21, 2000.
Binetsu (lyrics and music: Makoto Kawamoto, arrangement: Tetsuo Ishikawa and
Tetsuhiro Miyajima)
Tsuki no Can (lyrics and music: Makoto Kawamoto, arrangement: Tetsuo Ishikawa and
Tetsuhiro Miyajima, voice: MANNA)
Fragile is Makoto Kawamoto's 7th single released on April 26, 2000.
Fragile (lyrics: Kawamoto "L.A." Makoto, music and arrangement: Eitaro
Isono=Yasuyuki Okamura, String section arrangement: David Campbell=Beck's father,
Choir arrangement: Makoto Kawamoto)
Trouble Bus (lyrics: Kawamoto "L.A." Makoto, music: Makoto Kawamoto, sound produce:
Tetsuo Ishikawa
Gimmeshelter is Makoto Kawamoto's 8th single released on March 3, 2001.
Gimmeshelter (lyrics and music: Makoto Kawamoto, sound produce: Hyoe Yasuhara,
Guitar Vader and Makoto Kawamoto)
Re-Fragile (Remixed by Stan Katayama) (lyrics: Makoto Kawamoto, music: Eitaro
Gimmeshelter (Remixed by EY∃)
Blossom is Makoto Kawamoto's 9th single released on September 30, 2001.
Blossom (lyrics and music: Tavito Nanao and Makoto Kawamoto)
Alphabet Weeks (lyrics and music: Makoto Kawamoto)
Octopaus Theater (Stan's Lonely Hearts Hammock Version) (lyrics and music: Makoto
-Yagi-ō no Theme
Yagi-ō no Theme (山羊王のテーマ goat king's theme?) is Makoto Kawamoto's 10th single
released on August 9, 2006, and is also the 1st single under Tiger Fake Fur name.
This song was written for the musical "Obake no Mori (お化けの森 woods of a bogy?)"
which Kawamoto wrote herself and she also played a role in.
Yagi-ō no Theme (lyrics and music: Tiger Fake Fur)
Yasagure Yyā-san no Theme "Dolphin Blues" (lyrics and music: Tiger Fake Fur)
Seijougakuen-mae no Uta –live- (lyrics: Yoshida Sensha, music: Tiger Fake Fur)
Yagi-ō no Theme (karaoke, with chorus)
Albums-Kawamoto Makoto
Kawamoto Makoto is Makoto Kawamoto's 1st album released on June 26, 1997. All songs
written by Makoto Kawamoto without #2.
Juppun-mae (10分前 10 minutes ago?)
Ai no Sainou (愛の才能 Sense of Love?) (Album version)
Time Machine
Yakisoba Pan (やきそばパン Bread with Chow mein?)
Himawari (ひまわり sunflower?)
1/2 (Nibun no Ichi)
gobbledygook is Makoto Kawamoto's 2nd album released on March 3, 2001. All songs
written by Makoto Kawamoto without #5, #7.
Gi’me Shelter (ギミーシェルター Give me a shelter?) (oridinal edit)
Kyarameru (キャラメル caramel?)
Octopus Theater
Haatsu Soopa (ハーツソーパ ??) (Instrumental)
Pikapika (ピカピカ glitter?)
Burein Shugaa (ブレインシュガー Brain sugar?) (Instrumental)
Tsuki no Kan (月の缶 A can of the moon?) (sweet edit)
Doraibu Shiyouyo (ドライブしようよ Shall we go for a drive??)
Binetsu (微熱 A slight fever?)
Sakura (桜 A cherry blossom?) (album mix)
Tokyo Explosion JP
Hello☆ (Instrumental)
Ame ni Utaeba (雨に唄えば Singin' in the Rain?)
-Ongaku no Sekai e Youkoso
Ongaku no Sekai e Youkoso is Makoto Kawamoto's 3rd album released on February 19,
2010 by My Best Records. All songs written by Makoto Kawamoto.
Ongaku no Sekai e Youkoso (音楽の世界へようこそ Welcome to the musical world?)
Doko ni aru? (何処にある? Where is it??)
Yoru no Seitaikei (夜の生態系 Night Ecosystem?)
I love you (アイラブユー I love you ?)
There is music video filmed in Fukui-shi, Fukui which is Kawamoto's hometown.
Ishi no Seikatsu (石の生活 The life of a stone?)
Tori (鳥 Bird?)
Uguisuu (ウグイスー Bush Warbler?)
Closet (クローゼット Closet?)
Joumon (縄文 the Jomon period?)
Hen ne (へんね Strange?)
Umi (海 Sea?)
Pontago (ポンタゴ ? ?)
Maggie's Farm e Youkoso (マギーズファームへようこそ Welcome to Maggie's Farm?)
Kotori no Uta (小鳥のうた Small bird's song?)
Carol Kaye played the bass guitar.
The Complete Singles Collection 1996~2001
The Complete Singles Collection 1996~2001 is Makoto Kawamoto's Greatest hits album
released on February 19, 2010 by SMDR GT Music (Sony Music Direct).
Collaborations Sparks Go Go
Kibun de Ikō (気分でいこう?) - B side song of Sparks Go Go’s single Hachigatsu no Yume
(八月の夢 Dream in August?) released on March 1, 1998. Kawamoto participated in it
as a background vocalist.
Welcoming Morning (March 9, 1999) - as a background vocalist
Happyending Soulwriter's Council Band (October 10, 1999) - words: pal@pop, music:
Makoto Kawamoto, arrangement: pal@pop & Makoto Kawamoto
MihoMihoMakoto is MihoMihoMakoto's 1st album released on July 5, 2006.
I want to be loved
Gone The Rainbow
Three Topazs
Sunset Blue
Rabato de Kyameru (ラバトでキャメル A camel in Rabat?)
I want to be loved (Japanese version)
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