
Minggu, 01 September 2013

Lawan ketombe dengan aspirin!
Ketombean bikin malu? gonta ganti sampo ketombe tetep ga ngaruh? coba yang ini deh: Haluskan dua table aspirin dan campurkan dengan bedak tabur, terus campurkan ke sampo yang biasa kamu gunakan untuk keramas. Biarkan campuran itu di rambutmu selama 1-2 menit, kemudian bilas hingga bersih. Abis itu , keramas lagi dengan sampo biasa

Rahasia mengupas telur rebus
Penasaran gimana caranya mengupas telur rebus tanpa menghancurkan kulitnya berkeping-keping? ini dia rahasianya! tambahkan satu sendok teh garam ke dalam air sebelum merebus telur.

Segarkan udara dengan lemon
Gak perlu pengharum ruangan untuk menyegarkan kembali udara di ruangan atau kamar mandi (abis ngapain tuh.. hehe). cukup ambil dua buah lemon, potong jadi dua, terus letakkan dalam ruangan( bagian yg dipotong menghadap ke atas). Hmmm... segarnya udara!

Sumber : A2G news

Gigi Putih

Punya temen yang males senyum? mungkin sebenearnya dia malu dengan giginya yang kuning. hehehe. anyway, nih ada tips yang bisa dibagi ke temenmu itu(atau buat diri sendiri) supaya gigi tetap putih!

Pertama, pake sedotan buat minum kopi, teh, atau coca cola. Dengan demikian, minuman tak perlu langsung mengena pada gigi.

Kedua, perbanyak makanan yang bisa menjadi pemutih gigi alami seperti buah dan sayuran. Apel, wortel, dan seledri terbukti cukup efektif untuk membersihkan gigi.

Ketiga, ada makanan yang menciptakn lapisan'film' yang akan melindungi gigi dari noda. Brokoli, daun selada dan bayam adalah makanan yang bisa mencegah terbentuknya noda gigi.

Keempat, buah strawberry punya kekuatan tersendiri untuk memutihkan. Hancurkan buah strawberry, kemudian dengan tempelkan pada gigi dengan jari dan biarkan selama satu atau dua menit. Setelah itu gosok dengan sikat gigi secara menyeluruh.

Kelima, di pasaran juga tersedia produk pemutih gigi. umumnya pemutih gigi itu berbahan aktif carbamide peroxides yang bekerja dengan mengoksidasi noda yang menempel pada gigi. Biasanya butuh waktu sekitar dua minggu untuk melihat hasilnya dan perawatan ini seringkali perlu diulang setiap enam bulan.

Sumber : A2G news

Sabtu, 20 Juli 2013

はたらく魔王さま! Hataraku Maō-sama

はたらく魔王さま! Hataraku Maō-sama, lit. Working Demon King! or Demon Lord at Work!) is a Japanese light novel series written by Satoshi Wagahara, with illustrations by Oniku (written as 029). ASCII Media Works has published eight volumes since February 2011. The story is about a demon king named Satan seeking to conquer the world of Ente Isla but, when confronted by the Hero Emilia Justina, is forced to retreat through a portal that transports him to modern day Tokyo, Japan. To survive and find a way to return to Ente Isla, Satan gains part-time employment at a fast food restaurant. There have been two manga adaptations published by ASCII Media Works in Dengeki Daioh and Dengeki Maoh. A 13-episode anime adaptation produced by White Fox and directed by Naoto Hosoda aired between April and June 2013.


The Demon Lord and one of his generals, Alciel, escape Ente Isla through a portal to modern Tokyo, Japan after being confronted by the Hero Emilia Justina and her companions. However, due to the lack of magic in the modern contemporary world, both the Demon Lord and Alciel change into forms representing what they would look like if they were human. In order to survive, the Demon Lord takes a part-time job in a fast food restaurant named MgRonald while Alciel serves as his houseman. One day, the Demon Lord, who now goes by Sadao Maō, meets a girl who is actually the Hero Emilia, who now goes by Emi Yusa. The story then unfolds and explores the personalities of each of the characters and their moral values. More characters show up from Ente Isla and they too face the new world dilemmas, often comically.

Credit :!

翠星のガルガンティア Suisei no Garugantia

Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet (翠星のガルガンティア Suisei no Garugantia?) is a Japanese anime television series produced by Production I.Gand directed by Kazuya Murata, and aired between April and June 2013.


In the distant future, mankind has taken to the stars and formed the Galactic Alliance of Humankind (人類銀河同盟 Jinrui Ginga Dōmei?). The Alliance is engaged in a perpetual war with a tentacled alien species known as the Hideauze (ヒディアーズ Hidiāzu). 16-year-old Ensign Ledo is a soldier in the Galactic Alliance, piloting a Machine Caliber (マシンキャリバー Mashin Kyaribā), an AI-automated, humanoid-shaped battle suit, which he refers to as 'Chamber'. After a failed attempt by the Alliance forces to destroy an enemy super-weapon, Ledo is knocked into a wormhole and loses consciousness. When he awakens, he learns from Chamber that he has been in cryo-stasis for 6 months while his wounds were healing. Ledo learns that he and Chamber have been 'found' by a rag-tag band of 'primitive' human scavengers. Ledo quickly discovers that he is on board a massive fleet of ships on an ocean-covered planet. Chamber tells him that local star charts reveal the planet is Earth, the birthplace of humanity, a place that members of the Alliance were only familiar with from stories and believed was a myth.

credit :

Minggu, 26 Mei 2013

ハヤテのごとく! Hayate the Combat Butler

is a Japanese manga series, written and illustrated by Kenjiro Hata, about a boy who starts a new job as a butler and the events he experiences with his employer. Shogakukan have released 34 volumes in Japan. The English edition of the series has been licensed by Viz Media for distribution in North America. The style of the manga has a comedic gag with a slight haremfeel and constantly breaks the fourth wall. The series includes numerous references to other anime, manga, video games, and popular culture.

A 52-episode anime adaptation of the manga by SynergySP aired between April 2007 and March 2008 on TV Tokyo. A second, 25-episode anime season by J.C.Staff aired between April and September 2009. Bandai Entertainment licensed the first anime series in 2008, but the series went out of print in 2012. An anime film adaption produced by Manglobe was released in August 2011. A third, 12-episode anime television series by Manglobe, based mostly on an original story not seen in the manga aired between October and December 2012. A fourth anime season began airing in April 2013.


Hayate Ayasaki is an unlucky teenager who has worked since childhood to make ends meet due to his parents' irresponsible behavior. One day on Christmas Eve, he finds out that his parents were planning to sell his organs to the Yakuza to make money, leaving behind a massive gambling debt on his shoulders of ¥156,804,000. While running away from the debt collectors he ends up meeting Nagi Sanzenin, a young girl who is the sole heir of the wealthy Sanzenin estate, and due to a misunderstanding, Nagi ends up falling in love with Hayate. After he rescues Nagi from some kidnappers, she hires Hayate as her new butler.

Aside from performing his ordinary duties as a butler, Hayate must fight to protect Nagi from harm, a difficult task since her life is always in danger because she is the target of other individuals coveting her family's fortune, and sometimes deal with some extravagant requests from her, oblivious to Nagi's true feelings for him. In the later story, Hayate has to deal with the feelings of several other girls, Ayumu Nishizawa; his former classmate who harbors a crush on him, and Hinagiku Katsura; the student council president of Hakuō Academy who ends up growing attached to him. Hayate had a romantic relationship with a childhood friend, Athena Tennousu, who is chairwoman of the board of Hakuō Academy.

Due to a series of events involving Hayate, Nagi, and Athena during Golden Week, Nagi ends up forfeiting her inheritance. With the last of her savings, Nagi moves with Hayate and her maid Maria to an old apartment building called "Violet Mansion" owned by her late mother, Yukariko, and rents its extra rooms for income: having Chiharu Harukaze; the secretary of Hakuō Academy, Hinagiku, Athena (in child-form), Kayura Tsurugino; an "elite otaku", Ruka Suirenji; a "singing idol" who develops feelings for Hayate, and Ayumu, as its tenants.

Senin, 29 April 2013


is a Japanese anime television series by Production I.G. The series aired on Fuji TV's Noitamina programming block between October 2012 and March 2013 and has been licensed by Funimation Entertainment in North America. A manga adaptation began serialization in Shueisha's Jump Square magazine from November 2012. The story takes place in the near future where it is possible to instantaneously measure a person's mental state, personality, and the probability that a person will commit crimes with a device installed on each citizen's body called the Psycho-Pass. It follows members of Unit One of the Public Safety Bureau's Criminal Investigation Division and the crimes they investigate.

Psycho-Pass is set in a future where it is possible to instantaneously measure a person's mental state, personality, and the probability that a person will commit crimes, all through a device installed on each citizen's body called a Psycho-Pass. When this probability, measured by the "Crime Coefficient" index, is too high in an individual, they are pursued and apprehended—with lethal force, if necessary. The plot focuses on a young adult named Akane Tsunemori who is a new police officer known as Inspector within Unit One of the Public Safety Bureau's Criminal Investigation Division. As an Inspector she hunts criminal alongside a special team of so called latent criminals (people whose crime coefficient is deemed too high, and without chance of recovery) called Enforcers. Both Enforcers and Inspectors use magnum-esque "Dominators", special weapons designed to fire only on those with a higher-than-acceptable Crime Coefficient.During Akane's first investigations, the group learns of a mastermind behind multiple crimes, Shogo Makishima.


聖☆おにいさんSaint Young Men

 is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Hikaru Nakamura. It has been serialized by Kodansha in the monthly seinen manga magazine Morning 2 since 2007, with chapters collected in seven tankōbon volumes as of October 2011. It was adapted into an anime film which started to be released in Spring 2013.

Jesus Christ and Gautama Buddha, the founders of Christianity and Buddhism, are living together as roommates in a Tokyo apartment while taking a vacation on Earth. The comedy often involves jokes about Christianity, Buddhism, and all things related, as well as the main characters' attempts to hide their identities and understand modern society in Japan. Each chapter shows how they go about or react to an average day, though they also go sightseeing or visit amusement parks.
